Mental Health Services

Neurofeedback at Mentally STRONG Clinic

At the Mentally STRONG Clinic in Colorado Springs, we are committed to helping our clients achieve optimal mental and emotional well-being. One of our standout services is neurofeedback, a powerful and effective treatment approach that can bring transformative changes for those who seek better mental health.

Neurofeedback gently guides your brain toward healthier patterns, providing a comforting way to manage anxiety, depression, and stress. It supports your journey to lasting emotional balance and well-being.

Therapist guiding a neurofeedback session with a young patient.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a cutting-edge training system using EEG technology to promote brain growth and change. It involves analyzing brain electrical activity with a Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG).

How Neurofeedback Works

Imagine you are training your brain like you would train your muscles at a gym. During neurofeedback sessions, electrodes are placed on the scalp to monitor brainwave frequencies. The software then provides immediate visual or auditory feedback based on your brain’s activity.

When your brain meets certain goals—like inhibiting specific frequencies and enhancing others—the feedback is positive, and your brain is rewarded. For example, the screen might get brighter and the music clearer. When your brain does not meet the goals, the screen dims, and the music quiets. Over time, this feedback helps train your brain to self-regulate, positively impacting your central nervous system.
Patient undergoing neurofeedback therapy.

Brainwaves 101

Think of brainwaves like musical notes: low-frequency waves resemble a deep drum beat, grounding and steady, while higher-frequency waves reach a subtle, high-pitched flute, light and quick. These various frequencies harmonize seamlessly in a beautifully orchestrated symphony, creating a balanced and unified sound. Similarly, our brain function relies on the harmonious interplay of these different frequencies. When these frequencies are in sync, we experience mental clarity, emotional stability, and peak performance. However, when they are out of balance, much like a discordant piece of music, it can lead to various emotional and neuro-physical health concerns.

When our brainwaves are balanced and harmonized well, we are in mental and emotional well-being. Our focus is sharp, we can easily relax, our emotions are stable, and our sleep is restful and deep.

Conversely, when these frequencies are out of tune with each other, problems can arise. For instance, excessive theta activity while awake can result in daydreaming and lack of focus, potentially manifesting as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Elevated levels of beta waves can correlate with anxiety, stress, and restlessness.

The Neurofeedback Process and Sessions

New clients will begin with a scheduled intake with a complete medical history to begin counseling or treatment at the clinic. Existing clients may have neurofeedback recommended by their counselor. After this, our Nurse Practitioner (NP) will consult with your counselor regarding the potential for neurofeedback treatment. These sessions typically last 25-30 minutes and occur, on average, twice a week over approximately seven to eight months. We will schedule a neurofeedback consultation with you, and regular training sessions with your counselor after.
Who is it for?
Neurofeedback can assist with a wide variety of issues

For those who are struggling with conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, or even simply chronic stress, neurofeedback can be a lifeline. It offers a drug-free, non-invasive way to shape the brain’s functioning directly, steering it back towards harmony and health. At the Mentally STRONG Clinic, neurofeedback can assist with a wide variety of issues, including:

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Attachment Disorders

Traumatic Birth History






Stress Tolerance



Memory Issues

Behavioral Challenges

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Anxiety and Depression

Performance Issues

General Wellness/Optimization

Sleep Disturbances

Resilience Built by the Mentally STRONG Way

Resilience Built by the Mentally STRONG Way


Questions and Answers

Our nurse practitioners understand that starting a new treatment plan can be intimidating. We want our adult mental health services to be accessible to you during the stabilisation period. We will see you at our mental health center in Colorado Springs as often as necessary until you are comfortable with your new medication. Learn More

  • Colorado Medicaid
  • CHP Plus
  • Tricare West and Tricare for Life
  • Triwest
  • United HealthCare
  • Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado
  • Medicare Part B
  • Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Colorado
  • Cigna
  • Aetna
  • Humana
  • Beacon

We also accept military veterans with prior authorization or referral

We are sensitive to and understand the special needs of individuals in our community. To learn more read our Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Scheduling a mental or behavioral health appointment with Mentally STRONG is simple and straightforward. We're here to provide the support you need, and our compassionate team is ready to help you take the first step toward better mental health.