Mental Health Services

Building a Healthier Mind

Do you or someone you care about struggle with stress, anxiety, or low self-esteem? Our mental health counseling combines psychoeducation with the Mentally STRONG Method, a cognitive behavioral formula designed for everyone. This approach helps you understand and manage your thoughts and emotions, giving you the knowledge and tools to regain control of your life. Whether you engage with us in the clinic or through coaching, we use psychoeducational counseling to guide you toward a healthier, more balanced life. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Our goal is to help you develop new skills that lead to improved behaviors that are productive and healthy, improving your mental health.

Close-up of hands during a psychoeducation meeting.

What is Psychoeducation?

Psychoeducation is a way of learning about psychology that helps you take better care of yourself. At its core, it provides the knowledge and skills needed to understand and manage your mental health. Combined with the Mentally STRONG Method, a cognitive behavioral approach, psychoeducation empowers you to take an active role in your well-being.

This approach teaches you how to recognize and challenge negative thoughts and behaviors, giving you the tools to make positive changes in your life. By understanding your mental health and learning effective coping strategies, you gain more control over your emotions and actions. This method not only reduces stigma and enhances self-awareness but also helps you build a healthier, more balanced life. Through psychoeducation, you are equipped to make informed decisions and take charge of your mental health journey.

How Psychoeducation Works

Psychoeducation, combined with the Mentally STRONG Method's cognitive behavioral approach, provides a hands-on, education-based way to improve your mental health. In our clinic, we begin with a case management appointment to explain how the method works. This interactive process encourages you to explore and manage your thoughts and behaviors actively. Instead of just talking, we guide you through practical exercises that help you process your thoughts, identify patterns, and make positive changes. By engaging in this approach, you gain the tools and confidence to take control of your mental well-being.
Patient listening during a psychoeducation session.

Psychoeducation at Mentally STRONG

The Mentally STRONG Method takes the mystery out of mental health counseling programs and provides you with wisdom, tools, and support to actively participate in your mental well-being.

We do this by drawing upon various aspects of cognitive behavioral formula to teach you how to identify and challenge self-defeating thoughts and behaviors so that you can live a happier, healthier life.

Many common challenges, such as stress, low self-confidence, and poor communication skills, result from your self-perception. With our mental health counseling program, you will gain a deeper understanding of what is at the root of your struggles to move toward becoming the best version of yourself.

The Psychoeducation Process and Sessions

At Mentally STRONG, we’re committed to providing a supportive and caring environment as you work on understanding and managing your mental health. Our psychoeducation process is designed with your well-being in mind, offering one-on-one sessions in the clinic that are covered by insurance, just like traditional therapy. Each session starts with a personalized assessment to focus on what matters most to you, followed by education on topics that are relevant to your mental health journey.

We also recognize that everyone’s needs are different, which is why we encourage a flexible approach. You can engage with the material at your own pace, perhaps through self-guided classes, and benefit from group coaching where you can connect with others who are on a similar path. If you need more intensive support, we offer focused sessions that help you dive deeper into your mental health, preparing you to fully benefit from group coaching and ongoing care.

Throughout this process, we ensure that each session is interactive and supportive, providing you with a safe space to explore your thoughts, ask questions, and share your experiences. Our goal is to walk alongside you, giving you the tools, understanding, and confidence to take charge of your mental health, so you can experience lasting well-being and a better quality of life.
Who is it for?
Psychoeducation can assist with a wide variety of issues

Psychoeducation is for anyone looking to understand their mind better and learn how to take care of their mental health. It’s particularly useful for those dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or negative thoughts. By combining practical knowledge with the Mentally STRONG Method, this approach helps you manage your mental well-being and make positive changes in your life.

Understanding Your Mind

What is Cognitive Behavioral Approach?

The Cognitive Behavioral Approach is a method that focuses on the connection between our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It’s a practical way to understand and change the patterns that affect your mental health and well-being. By exploring how your mind works and applying proven techniques, this approach empowers you to make positive, lasting changes in your life.

Cognitive Behavioral Approach

Cognitive Behavioral Approach is a widely recognized mental health treatment offered at Mentally STRONG. It focuses on identifying, addressing, and changing negative thought patterns that affect emotional well-being and behavior.

Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Approach

Cognitive Behavioral Approach is highly effective in managing a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, phobias, addictions, and severe mental illness. It works by addressing and modifying harmful thoughts and behaviors to improve overall mental health.

Core Principles of Cognitive Behavioral Approach

Cognitive Behavioral Approach operates on the principle that mental health problems often arise from faulty thinking and learned patterns of unhelpful behavior. By correcting these thought patterns and behaviors, Cognitive Behavioral Approach helps individuals achieve better emotional and psychological health.

Evidence-Based Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Approaches

Extensive research supports the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Approach, demonstrating significant improvements in mental function and overall quality of life. This makes Cognitive Behavioral Approach a preferred treatment for many mental health conditions due to its proven results.

Cognitive Behavioral Approach Techniques and Strategies

Cognitive Behavioral Approach uses various techniques to help individuals change negative behavior patterns, including role-playing, journaling, thought mapping, and relaxation exercises. These strategies are designed to be practical and applicable in everyday life.

Source: American Psychological Association (APA) Div. 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology)

Resilience Built by the Mentally STRONG Way

Resilience Built by the Mentally STRONG Way


Questions and Answers

If you urgently need an assessment within business hours, please come to our mental health center, and we will be happy to see you. Learn More

Our nurse practitioners understand that starting a new treatment plan can be intimidating. We want our adult mental health services to be accessible to you during the stabilisation period. We will see you at our mental health center in Colorado Springs as often as necessary until you are comfortable with your new medication. Learn More

  • Colorado Medicaid
  • CHP Plus
  • Tricare West and Tricare for Life
  • Triwest
  • United HealthCare
  • Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado
  • Medicare Part B
  • Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Colorado
  • Cigna
  • Aetna
  • Humana
  • Beacon

We also accept military veterans with prior authorization or referral

We are sensitive to and understand the special needs of individuals in our community. To learn more read our Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Scheduling a mental or behavioral health appointment with Mentally STRONG is simple and straightforward. We're here to provide the support you need, and our compassionate team is ready to help you take the first step toward better mental health.