Yolanda Maravilla

Yolanda Maravilla, a mentally STRONG Method Coach

She spent much of her adult life surviving the horrors of Domestic Violence and the subsequent bondage of chemical addiction. Her story is not just about finding freedom though, it’s about finding purpose. Currently she leads “Ragamuffin Ministry”, a team that serves breakfast to over 200 homeless and under-resourced people a week, as well as an advocate for abused women with Rep Your Recovery and inspires others to see your mess can become your message. Yolanda continues to educate herself by understanding how the mind returns to old familiar behaviors when facing a crisis. Her training through Mentally STRONG Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program has equipped her to help others to change their way of thinking. She mentors abused women who have lost themselves and helps them to re-discover their beauty in Christ.

She is the creator of Captivating Mind & Soul LLC Coaching Services where she works with people who are seeking recovery in all aspects of life. She coaches on how to take captive of every negative thought, turning the thought into a positive thought.

II Corinthians 10:5 “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”.

Yolanda charges on a person to person basis depending upon need.