Are You Spiraling Mentally? 10 Signs and Steps to Stop It

What It Means to Spiral Mentally

What does it mean to spiral mentally? 

You feel like you’re losing control. Like your thoughts have grabbed the wheel and are speeding straight into a wall, and no matter how hard you try to pull yourself back, you can’t.

Maybe it started with one bad thought. One worry. One mistake. One moment that made your stomach drop. And then another. And another. And now you’re stuck. Thoughts looping, anxiety rising, no way out.

You know you’re spiraling, but you don’t know how to stop.


This is your brain in overdrive. It’s not broken. 

You are not broken. 

You just need to slow the spin long enough to find your footing again.

What a Mental Spiral Feels Like

A mental spiral isn’t just stress. It’s not just overthinking. It’s that sick feeling in your stomach, that pressure in your chest, that sense that everything is too much all at once.

It feels like:

  • Your thoughts won’t shut up. You’re stuck in a loop, replaying something over and over.
  • Your brain keeps throwing worst-case scenarios at you, and you can’t tell what’s real.
  • You feel disconnected from the world around you, like you’re watching yourself from the outside.
  • Your body feels it too—racing heart, tight chest, shaky hands, nausea, exhaustion.
  • No matter how much you try to distract yourself, you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong.

It’s terrifying. But it won’t last forever. And it won’t break you.

Common Triggers Behind a Mental Spiral

There’s always a trigger. Something that set this off, even if you didn’t notice it at first. Some of the most common ones:

  • Feeling out of control. When something happens and there’s nothing you can do to change it.
  • Overwhelming stress. Too much on your plate, too many responsibilities, not enough time.
  • Regret or guilt. Replaying something you said, something you did, wishing you could take it back.
  • Uncertainty. Waiting for an answer, dreading what might happen next, feeling like you’re standing on shaky ground.
  • A sudden emotional hit. An argument. Bad news. A breakup. Even a random memory that comes out of nowhere and knocks the wind out of you.

Some of these things you can control. Some of them you can’t. But either way, the spiral doesn’t get to decide what happens next. You do.

A man sitting on the floor by lockers with his head in his hands, showing signs of emotional distress and mental overwhelm.

Are You Spiraling Mentally? 10 Signs to Look Out For

When you’re in it, it’s hard to tell what’s happening. You just know something feels wrong. It’s okay, life gets really hard at times, and spotting the signs of a mental spiral early can help you slow it down before it takes over.

1. Constant Racing Thoughts

Your mind won’t stop. It jumps from one worry to the next, running through every possible outcome, every worst-case scenario, every mistake you’ve ever made. You’re not thinking anymore. You’re drowning.

2. Feeling Trapped in Worry or Overwhelm

No matter how much you try to rationalize, it won’t let go. You tell yourself to calm down, but your brain won’t listen. The thoughts just keep coming, piling up until you feel completely stuck.

3. Trouble Sleeping or Restlessness

You’re exhausted, but your mind won’t shut off. You close your eyes, and the thoughts pick up speed. Or maybe you do sleep, but you wake up feeling like you never rested at all.

4. Over-Analyzing Past Conversations or Mistakes

You replay something you said last week, last month, last year. Over and over. Picking it apart, twisting it, convincing yourself you embarrassed yourself, upset someone, ruined everything.

5. Trouble Focusing on Anything Positive

No matter what’s happening around you, the spiral pulls your attention back. Everything feels negative. Even good news doesn’t feel good. It’s like your brain refuses to see a way out.

6. Withdrawing From Social Interactions

Talking feels impossible. The idea of responding to a text, answering a call, or pretending to be okay is exhausting. You start pulling away from people. Not because you want to, but because you don’t know what else to do.

7. Difficulty Making Decisions, Even Small Ones

What should you eat? Should you text back? Should you get up? Every choice feels too big. You second-guess everything. It feels completely paralyzing. 

8. Physical Symptoms Like Headaches or a Racing Heart

Your body is carrying the spiral too. Tight chest. Shaky hands. A sick feeling in your stomach. Maybe you get headaches, maybe your muscles ache from being tense all the time. Your mind is spiraling, and your body is keeping score.

9. Negative Self-Talk or Harsh Self-Criticism

You catch yourself thinking things you wouldn’t say to your worst enemy: 

You’re an idiot. You’re a failure. You’ll never get it together. 

The spiral feeds on this. The more you believe this negative self-talk, the worse it gets.

10. Feeling Detached or “Out of It”

Nothing feels real. It’s like you’re watching yourself from a distance, going through the motions, but not really there. Like your mind has checked out to protect itself.

If you see yourself in this, you are not broken. You are spiraling mentally, but that does not mean you can’t take control again.

Friends supporting each other outdoors, representing a positive moment during recovery from spiraling mentally.

How to Stop Spiraling Mentally and Regain Control

The spiral lies to you. It tells you that you can’t stop it. That you’re powerless. That you’ll be stuck like this forever. None of that is true.

So, how to stop spiraling mentally? 

Here’s what actually helps when you feel like you’re losing control.

1. Recognize the Early Signs of a Spiral

You can’t stop what you don’t see coming. Pay attention to the first signs:the racing thoughts, the restlessness, the tightness in your chest. 

The earlier you catch it, the easier it is to pull yourself back.

2. Ground Yourself in the Present Moment

Your brain is dragging you into the past or throwing you into a future that hasn’t even happened. Pull yourself back.

Try this:

  • Name five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, one thing you can taste.
  • Splash cold water on your face. Hold ice in your hands. Press your feet firmly into the ground. Anything that forces your brain to focus on right now.

3. Challenge Negative Self-Talk

Your thoughts are not facts. Read that again. 

Just because your brain is saying something doesn’t make it true.

If your spiral is telling you, “I’m going to fail,” stop and ask yourself:

  • Is there actual evidence of that?
  • Have I failed before and still been okay?
  • Would I say this to a friend going through the same thing?

Don’t let the spiral bully you. Challenge it.

4. Journal to Organize Your Thoughts

Dump the thoughts onto paper. No filter. No structure. Just get them out of your head so they stop spinning in circles. Sometimes, seeing them written down takes away their power.

Here’s a quick video on how exactly to organize your brain

5. Take Small Actions That You Can Control

The spiral makes everything feel too big. The way to fight back? Make things small again.

  • Get up and drink water.
  • Step outside and take a breath of fresh air.
  • Send one text. Answer one email.
  • Do one thing, no matter how tiny.

Small actions remind your brain that you are still in control. Every choice you make, no matter how small, shapes your path forward. Watch this video on behaviors and choices to learn how shifting your actions can shift your mindset.

6. Limit Triggers Where Possible

If you know certain things send you into a spiral: doom-scrolling, lack of sleep, caffeine overload, talking to that person, cut them down. Not forever. Just enough to give yourself a chance to breathe.

7. Lean on Your Support System

You don’t have to go through this alone. Let someone in. Text a friend. Tell them, “Hey, I’m spiraling. Can you just talk to me for a bit?”

You don’t need to explain everything. Just having someone there can steady you.

8. Practice Self-Compassion and Rest

Your brain is tired. Your body is tired. Fighting a spiral is exhausting. Let yourself rest. And please, for the love of everything, be kind to yourself.

You are not weak. You are not failing. You are just human.

Psychotherapy session, woman talking to his psychologist at Mentally STRONG

Use the Mentally STRONG Method to Take Back Control

When you’re spiraling, it feels like your thoughts are running the show. But they aren’t. You can take control back.

First, pause. Name what’s happening. I am spiraling mentally. Say it out loud. Write it down.

Then, sort the thoughts. What is real? What is fear? What actually needs your attention right now?

Finally, choose one small step. Breathe. Move. Do something grounding. Prove to yourself that you are not stuck.

Your mind wants you to believe you are powerless. You aren’t.

How does this help? This is the basis of the Mentally STRONG Method, a technique grounded in CBT that helps you break out of negative thought loops and take back control of your mind. It teaches you how to think through your emotions, organize your thoughts, and make intentional choices… even when everything feels overwhelming.

You don’t have to stay trapped in the spiral. Get instant access here.

When It’s Time to Seek Professional Support

Sometimes, spiraling mentally isn’t just a rough patch. Sometimes, it’s something bigger. And if that’s the case, you don’t have to fight it alone.

Recognizing When It’s More Than a Spiral

If the spirals are happening more often, lasting longer, or making it impossible to function, it’s time to look deeper.

Ask yourself:

  • Is this spiral happening every day?
  • Am I struggling to do basic things, like eating, showering, or getting out of bed?
  • Do I feel like I can’t pull myself back, no matter what I try?
  • Am I having thoughts that scare me?

If you’re nodding along, this isn’t just a bad day. And that’s okay. It just means you deserve more support.

How Therapy Can Help

There is no shame in needing help. If you’re considering therapy , it means you’re taking control.

A good therapist can help you:

  • Understand what’s underneath the spirals.
  • Give you strategies to stop them faster.
  • Rewire the thought patterns that keep pulling you under.

And if you’ve tried therapy before and it didn’t help? Try again. 

Not all therapists are the right fit, and that’s okay.

If you’re struggling to break out of the cycle alone, this is your sign to reach out. We have a panel of brilliant therapists who go beyond the textbook treatment strategies and tailor what works for you. Click here to get an appointment. 

Rebuilding Mental Strength After a Spiral

When the spiral passes, you might feel drained. Like you just ran a marathon, even though you never left your bed. That’s normal. Your mind has been in overdrive. Now, it’s time to rebuild. And take steps early, your future self will thank you

Reconnect With Joy and Meaning in Your Life

When you’ve been spiraling, it’s easy to lose sight of what feels good. Even the things you used to love can feel distant.

Slowly, gently, start bringing them back.

  • Put on your favorite song.
  • Watch a show that makes you laugh.
  • Go outside and feel the sun on your skin.
  • Text someone who makes you feel safe.

Small steps. One at a time.

Practice Self-Compassion Every Day

After a spiral, you might feel frustrated with yourself. Why did I let that happen? Why do I always do this?

But listen: you didn’t let anything happen. You didn’t choose this. You’re doing your best.

Talk to yourself the way you’d talk to a friend. You wouldn’t call them a failure. You’d remind them they’re human, they’re learning, and they’re still here. 

Take a closer look here at how setting mental health goals like this can help you in the long run. 

Give yourself that same kindness.

Trust the Process of Healing

Some spirals hit harder than others. Some take longer to come back from. That doesn’t mean you’re back at square one.

Healing is not a straight line. It’s messy. It’s full of setbacks. But every time you pull yourself out, you get stronger.

You are not your spiral.
You are more than your worst thoughts.
And you will find your way back.

Final Thoughts: You Are Mentally Strong, Even When You Feel Weak

Right now, it might not feel like it. The spiral might still be whispering that you’re losing control, that you’ll never get better, that this is just who you are.

But it’s lying.

The fact that you’re reading this? That you’re searching for a way to stop spiraling? That means you are already fighting back.

And that is proof of your strength.

So take a deep breath.
Let yourself pause.

This moment will pass.

You are not alone in this. You are not broken. And you are so much stronger than you think.