Anticipating Grief: Three Tips for Living in the Shadow of Loss

In the realm of grief and loss, there is a unique and complex type called anticipatory grief. It’s a mixture of pain and preparation, a blend of sorrow and foresight that often accompanies the impending loss of a loved one. As a psychiatric nurse practitioner and someone who has walked through the deep valleys of grief, I understand the intricacies of this experience.

Understanding Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory grief occurs when we are faced with the eventual loss of someone dear to us. It’s not limited to the elderly; it can strike in the youth of life, with a child, a young parent, or a spouse. It’s a confusing and heart-wrenching time where we live in the duality of joy and pain.

My Journey Through Anticipatory Grief

Currently, I am treading this path with my husband, who has been put in hospice care. This isn’t my first encounter with anticipatory grief. Years ago, I faced a similar situation with my son, who was diagnosed with a rare neurodegenerative condition, DRPLA. Despite the prognosis, I clung to hope, refusing to accept the possibility of his death. However, on October 30th, 2016, he passed away, leaving me to confront the anticipatory grief I had been fighting against.

Three Tips for Living with Anticipatory Grief

Acknowledge the Grief: The first step is acknowledging the grief and putting it down on paper. This act can be profoundly cathartic, allowing you to express and process your emotions. It’s a method I have personally found therapeutic.

Understand the Kubler Ross Model: Familiarize yourself with the stages of death – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. While I have critiqued this theory in the past, especially in the aftermath of loss, it provides a framework to understand what you or your loved one might be going through.

Give Quality Attention to the Relationship: Focus on creating memorable moments with your loved one. It’s about cherishing the time you have and embracing joy amidst the sorrow. With my children, I sought experiences that enriched our lives, memories I hold dear today.

Owning Your Story

Every anticipatory grief journey is unique. In my case, with my son Reggie, I didn’t reach acceptance before his passing. Now, with my husband, it’s a different story. I have learned to respect his wishes and understand that he desires not constant care but for me to continue living a happy, successful life.

Grief, especially anticipatory grief, is a complex, multifaceted experience. It involves a range of emotions, from deep sorrow to profound anger. It’s important to learn, to grow, and to find ways to process these emotions, understanding that they are natural and valid. My journey through grief is ongoing, and through sharing my story, I hope to offer insights, support, and understanding to others navigating similar paths.