Confronting Trauma: A Journey of Healing

As a mental health professional, I often emphasize the importance of confronting past traumas. Recently, I embarked on a deeply personal and transformative journey with my childhood friend, Angie, to her childhood home in Puerto Rico, a place steeped in her traumatic memories. Facing the..

Death Anniversaries

Hello, I’m Cristi Bundukamara, and today, I want to share with you a deeply personal experience that has shaped my life profoundly – the death anniversary of my beloved son, Reggie. As I recount this painful journey, I hope to offer you three essential tips..

Grief is Pain: 3 Practical Tips

Grief is Pain. That’s a truth I want to emphasize. Anyone who claims otherwise, I challenge them. In my own experience of grieving, I delved into various grief theories, and what I discovered left me with a feeling that these theories failed to understand the..

Joy and Pain Can Coexist

Grief is a complex emotion, one that often seems at odds with joy. The pain of loss can be so overwhelming that it can feel impossible to find moments of happiness amidst the darkness. However, we’re going to delve into a powerful perspective. I have..