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Confronting Grief: A Journey of Pain and Purpose

The first time I truly encountered grief was as I stood on that riverbank, watching rescue workers search for my son underwater. I then lost both my son and daughter to a rare neurodegenerative condition within 6 years of each other; all three losses occurred..

Help! I Can’t Pay Attention!

Reflecting on my clinical practice and the evolving landscape of mental health, I’ve noticed an increasing trend that deeply concerns me: the self-diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among adults. This trend, largely propelled by marketing campaigns and online..

When Grief Feels Like Nothing Matters

Grief is an unwelcome visitor that alters the landscape of our lives with its profound presence. It carries an intense emotion that can feel insurmountable, leaving us in the depths of despair, thinking “nothing matters.” I’ve uttered those words more times than I can count,..

Overcoming Barriers to Mental Strength

As we step into the realm of a new beginning, the conversation often steers towards achieving personal and professional success. However, it’s crucial to recognize that the most significant barriers we face are not the external challenges but the ones that lie within. My journey..

Good Enough: How to Overcome Negative Thoughts

Most of us carry a deep-seated belief of “I’m not good enough.” This core connection is more than just a fleeting negative thought; it is a fundamental belief about ourselves, often rooted in childhood experiences. Despite my 20 years of practicing the mentally strong method,..

More Than Willpower: How to Embrace Behavioral Change

Behavioral change is a complex process that goes beyond sheer willpower and motivation. It involves a deep understanding of our neurobiological makeup and the patience to nurture new behaviors while phasing out old ones. The Power of Negative Thoughts We often set goals and then..